I'm building a project which basically consists of the electronics inside a lucky cat: a coil that generates a magnetic field to make a permanent magnet move, which is attached to a swing. Check this link, which shows you the circuitry and the principles on which it is built. The project would run from a 5V battery.
For this project however, the magnetic field to 'push' the permanent magnet is not strong enough so that it swings out far enough. I believe I have these options to increase the 'power' from the magnetic field:
- Reduce the coil length,
- Increase the number of turns on the coil,
- Increase the current through the coil.
Is that correct, or am I missing another option?
To increase the current running through the coil, would it be enough to increase the capacitance of C1 (from this article), to double it for example? What voltage rating should the capacitor be?
Are there other things to consider when this current increases? Also, should I worry about the resistance of the magnet wire (I see that there are different types of magnet wire)? For example, does the resistance through that coil also increase, or would it get hot over time? This circuitry is meant to run for a long time, so if it gets hot, we'd need another solution. Or would the flashing LED burn? Could I replace it with another diode (not an LED)?
I'm sorry if I use terminology completely wrong, or if this is a very noob question here. It's been a long time since I studied this in high school and I want to learn it again now. Would be great if you people here could help me :)