I began officially studying Lessons in Electronics and as practice, I decided to detail an LED strip I've been using around the house. My results raised some questions around the LED voltages on the strip.
The strip is supplied with a 12V 5A power supply. The green and blue channels have a 180ohm resistor and red has a 360ohm resistor. As I understand it, the color component in each LED is hooked up in series and the whole segment here is in parallel.
If that's true, this means the green and blue LEDs are getting 1.91V (red is getting 1.84V), but most of the top google results have the minimum forward voltage for a 5050 LED's green and blue segments around 2.8V. I don't know the datasheet for this particular 5050, but I assumed it's similar. The strip works fine, so now I'm wondering why. Did I misunderstand the circuit design or is the lower voltage meant to reduce heat / increase lifespan? If it can work at ~1.9V, what is the purpose of the minimum forward voltage rating?