I found instructions on how to use a PT1000 sensor with an Arduino online. I want to implement this with a Raspberry Pi Pico, which should work the same way. However, I want to use 3.3 V instead of 5 V.
Now, my question is: How would I adjust the R2 and R4 to measure the temperature range of 0 °C to approximately 200 °C? (The PT1000 should have 1 kΩ at 0 °C and about 1760 Ω at 200 °C.)
Can anyone tell me some equations on how to calculate approximate output voltages for various values of the relevant resistors (R2, R4, and PT1000 (for the given temperature range))?
Here is a scheme of the circuit:
I know the basic equations to calculate voltages at R1, R2, R3, and PT1000, but I am not sure how to calculate the voltage at the output of the LM358P, depending on the values for R1,... , R4 or whether and how to include the operational amplifier in these calculations.
PS: I had to use the PT100 tag since I lack the reputation to create a PT1000 tag.