I designed a standalone ATmega328p board (like an Arduino Nano). I use an Arduino Nano as an ISP Programmer, I can set the fuse bits and flash the program to it. But the ATmega shows absolutely no signs of life (I built an LED with resistor on pin PB2 and wanted it to make blink).
Tried another pin - not working. No signs of life at all. All the parts except the ISP connector were soldered by the JLCBPCB SMT service.
Here is the schematic:
And here are the pictures of the PCB design:
Top Layer:
Bottom Layer:
Did I make a design error which I'm not seeing or is the chip maybe just broken?
I let JLC assemble two boards and they both behave the same - setting fuse bits and flashing the program - possible. But blinking an LED - No. Absolutely no signs of life.
I personally doubt it, that BOTH chips are broken - as they are brand new.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem? Thanks for your help.