The datasheet for the IPG20N06S4L has an SOA curve that shows the minimum on resistance is 50mOhm, whereas its output characteristics curve shows that you can achieve a 21.27mOhm on resistance. How do I reconcile these two graphs?
I must misunderstand what at least one of these graphs is telling us. I’ll list what I think are my main points of understanding so it is easier to identify why I am confused:
- The Rdson limit is a physical limit that is shown on the SOA curve – despite “S” in SOA meaning “Safe”, this is less about safely operating the device and more about what is actually physically possible – operating outside of this region would imply you are getting a lower on resistance from the device than is physically possible;
- The output characteristics curve shows us the electrical behaviour of the FET for various gate-source voltages, hence looking at the highest Vgs curve to determine minimum on resistance is sensible here;
- On resistance in the ohmic region of the FET usually goes down with higher VGS for N channel enhancement mode FETs;
- Both graphs are made with the same measurement or calculation assumptions;