I wrote a simple playback audio application (you speak on the mic, it plays on the speakers, just to test), it works. However when I added an FFT + inverse FFT, it doesn't, I only hear noise whitout reaction to when I speak on the mic.
Please, do anyone see an error ?
int AdcBuffer[ ADC_CHANNEL_DMA_BUFSIZE ] __attribute__((space(dma)));
int DacBuffer[ OCPWM_DMA_BUFSIZE ] __attribute__((space(dma)));
int main(void) {
fractcomplex Frame[ 128 ];
fractional Output[ 128 ];
fractcomplex twiddleFactors[128/2];
/* FFT config */
int i = 0;
fractional *p_real;
fractcomplex *p_cmpx;
TwidFactorInit (7, &twiddleFactors[0], 0); /* We need to do this only once at start-up */
/* Instantiate the drivers */
ADCChannelHandle adcChannelHandle;
OCPWMHandle ocPWMHandle;
/* Create the driver handles */
ADCChannelHandle *MyADCHandle = &adcChannelHandle;
OCPWMHandle *MyDACHandle = &ocPWMHandle;
ADCChannelInit (MyADCHandle, AdcBuffer);
OCPWMInit (MyDACHandle, DacBuffer);
while (1) {
while (ADCChannelIsBusy(MyADCHandle));
ADCChannelRead (MyADCHandle, (fractional*)Frame, ADC_BUFFER_SIZE);
p_real = &Frame[0].real ;
p_cmpx = &Frame[0] ;
for ( i = 0; i < 128; i++ )/* The FFT function requires input data */
{ /* to be in the fractional fixed-point range [-0.5, +0.5]*/
*p_real = *p_real >>1 ; /* So, we shift all data samples by 1 bit to the right. */
*p_real++; /* Should you desire to optimize this process, perform */
} /* data scaling when first obtaining the time samples */
/* Or within the BitReverseComplex function source code */
p_real = &Frame[(128/2)-1].real ; /* Set up pointers to convert real array */
p_cmpx = &Frame[128-1] ; /* to a complex array. The input array initially has all */
/* the real input samples followed by a series of zeros */
for ( i = 128; i > 0; i-- ) /* Convert the Real input sample array */
{ /* to a Complex input sample array */
(*p_cmpx).real = (*p_real--); /* We will simpy zero out the imaginary */
(*p_cmpx--).imag = 0x0000; /* part of each data sample */
FFTComplexIP (7, &Frame[0], &twiddleFactors[0], COEFFS_IN_DATA);
IFFTComplexIP (7, &Frame[0], &twiddleFactors[0], COEFFS_IN_DATA);
for ( i = 0; i < 128; i++ ) /*Convert back */
return 0;