I need to design a current limiter for a circuit. I haven't started to design it so I cannot show the schematics, but I'll try to explain it.
It consists just in 2 light sensors. These sensors send a value to an MCU. The supply voltage is 12V but is lowered to 5V for the electronics. The important thing is here:
Depending on the values of the sensors (This corresponds to de programmable part of the MCU) I'll need to have a -1.5V, 0V or 1.5V output value. This is, -1.5V and 1.5V will supply the load, and 0V just won't do anything. The maximum Amperes value must be around 200mA or a bit lower.
So, I ask if you know any component-circuit that could suit this requirements.
According to the comments, I'll update the post with few more data.
The functionality must be like, if sensor1 < sensor2 then output is -15V, and if sensor1 > sensor2 output 1.5V.
But I still have some things in the air that I need to define:
- I could use a voltage regulator to low the voltage from 5V to 1.5V, but then, I'll need to define how I generate the negative voltage.
- I need to set how the MCU tells if the output is negative or positive
- I need to define the current limiter. I found components like this, but this one has reverse-voltage protection so maybe for this purpose is not the best option