Having tackled my first project using a mains transformer (in the UK - 230V), I haven't put any inrush protection into the circuit. The circuit is a power supply, following these instructions: The Spyder - an Eight-Output Pedalboard Power Supply.
The schematic shows a resistor/capacitor in parallel to the transformer primary, which I neglected to put in. My guess and hope is this is what is needed to limit the inrush current to the transformer. I have come humbly to you because I can find no other examples of this being used as inrush protection, and because currently (no pun intended) if I switch on the supply my TV will turn off then on briefly, which I can't see is doing it much good.
Is this resistor/capacitor combo intended to stop inrush current, and is it adequate?
If it is adequate, what component values would you recommend? And if not, what component(s) do I need and how should it be wired?