To control my AC with an Arduino, I'm trying to emulate the IR Remote. Not with another IR LED, but directly connected to the IR Receivers Signal wire on the board.
Using the Arduino as a Logic Analyzer I was able to understand the Protocol to about 90%.
Problem is, that the last Byte seems to be some kind of checksum. To send my own commands I need to figure out how it is calculated. I have no Idea.
The following gist contains all the Information that I have about the Protocol. It's pretty long (112 Bit) By replaying the exact commands I can control the AC Unit.
Adding it directly to this page doesn't work very well, because the formatting gets completely messed up. The protocol is just way too long.
Important: The remote doesn't seem to work like a normal remote. It doesn't send keycodes, but whole state "objects".
Maybe someone here will see some kind of pattern in that data. :-)