I have a small project that I want to do, I want to deploy a sensor that is capable of measuring the wind speed and direction from a crop field to my house - distance of about 3.5km. There is no line-of-sight and I wish to send up to 100 bytes of telemetry every 10 seconds. The sensor should also be capable of receiving up to 50 bytes from the base station (a command to change the sampling rate). The sensor will have to be powered by a battery.
I am new to the MCU field, what would be the cheapest most power efficient way to accomplish the above ? Would I need a launchpad with a RF transceiver module for this ? Would an MCU + RF transceiver module + Battery - be sufficient or would I still need the launchpad ? What frequencies should I be looking into ? What about the base station, Can I connect an RF module to a PC ? What kind of an antenna would I require ? - I have no problem putting a large antenna on the base station side, but on the sensor out there on the field - the antenna will need to be as minimal as possible due to the risk of theft.
I would also appreciate recommendation on suitable books or other relevant reading material, this project is a hobby of mine and I am more than willing to catch up and update on my progress :)
Thank you for your future assistance. Cheg