I am trying to use a BCD to 7 segment decoder to power my 7 segment display. This is the decoder I'm using (http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Texas-Instruments/SN74LS47N/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMtYFXwiBRPs05jHvQJpC1NM).
Right now, I just have it hard wired to feed ground into it's binary inputs. I believe this should result in a zero being displayed. However, nothing is being displayed. I used a multimeter to check the outputs and found that only around .14 volts were being supplied out of the chip. I have verified that the supply voltage supplied to the chip is 5 volts and the chip ground is correct. I tried swapping the chip, and that didn't help. If I directly wire the 7 segment display, it operates normally.
When I change the inputs, I find that the correct outputs are high and low, but the high only goes to .14 volts.
Did I wire something wrong? Or maybe I misunderstood the operation of the chip? I admit I'm a novice when it comes to this stuff.