The world of diy electronics is pretty new to me, but I have a sparkfun kit, a temperature sensor, and a new greenhouse that I want to learn the behavior of. Basically, I want to record the temperature once an hour. I'm happy saving that locally and periodically connecting the thing to my computer to download the data, but I don't know how to power this contraption. There's no power source near the greenhouse, so I think my choices are batteries or maybe a solar panel.
A quick look at the battery page of sparkfun reminds me that I know nothing about this. How long would a 3v battery last? A 8v? A Lithium Ion battery? How does something like that get recharged? Can these be plugged directly into the board somehow, or (more likely) is there an intermediate step? And what would that be exactly?
Is it too much to hope that there exists somewhere a simple recipe to follow to supply an arduino with a stand-alone power supply? I'm open to all options, with preference toward the simpler options (at least to start with).