I hope this is the right stackexchange site to ask this question. I'd like to now the meaning of these symbols, visible in the front of two different micro sd cards of the same model:
Backgroung (in case anyone wants to know): I have three sd cards, whose model is Kingston SDC10G2/16GB. Two of them work for my particular purpose (using a raspberry pi), the other one doesn't. I've realized that the cards that work and the one that doesn't don't look the same (I was trying to post pictures of them, but I can't attach more than two images until I have a reputation of 10). The first symbol is on the card that doesn't work, the other symbol is on the ones that do.
In a computer, all three cards perform flawlessly. A badblock analysis reveals none of them has bad blocks. I'm asking about those symbols thinking that maybe the have something to do with my problem.