I want to cut/etch (would be satisfied with just etching, though prefer both) paper with a laser. I have on hand several laser diodes salvaged from various disk drives and a 633 nm 10 mW CO2 laser. I know that any infrared laser with more than 10W of power (and probably many with less power) should be able to cut paper easily, and have been told that my 10 mW laser will not be powerful enough, which suggests to me that my laser diodes will likely be lacking as well.
The only thing approaching a suggestion for laser power for paper cutting that I've been able to find online is a physics stack exchange question about cutting plastics that mentions un-cited that a 808 nm 2 W laser is standard for paper cutting.
Is any of the above likely to be true? Is there a way to get a laser that will etch/cut paper cheaply (< $100, say)? The closest thing to the 808 nm 2 W laser that I've been able to find is a number of ~450 nm 2 W lasers on Amazon. Should this be sufficient? Does restricting the paper in question to being white/black/green/whatever color change the answers to any of the above questions?
And a note to head off some possible responses- I have had laser safety training, I do not intend to use this laser recklessly or even myself- I intend to mount it on an X-Y table in an enclosed, ventilated space during operation.