I'm using STM32L0. My firmware operates at 2V. These are stepped down from 24V. If I have a short of the 24V for a short period of time this causes a brown out on my 2V the voltage begins to oscillate from my step down.
I want to solve this with software.
If seen that I don't get this problem without a load ( while(1), all peripherals turned off. )
I added a for-loop at the start of the program, that held for a few seconds, that didn't help. To me this means the program does not actually reset. Its somehow latches up unless the voltage drops bellow a threshold.
Can I use under voltage detection or brown out detection of STM to prevent this?
I need to force a reset as soon as the voltage drops bellow around 1.8V. I need to react, if I don't want an oscillation, within around 3ms.