I have a switch mode DC-DC converter assignment which is supposed to convert 36-72V input DC voltage to 9V DC voltage. The circuit I'm working on contains a control circuit (implemented with a custom and multipurpose microcontroller) which requires 5V DC supply (and drains 55mA current from it) to run.
I feel myself in a paradox; a DC-DC converter is needed to run a DC-DC converter. How do I simply obtain a 5V supply for the control circuit? How do other practical and commercial circuits do this?
Since the input voltage can be up to 72V, I can't use a 7805 directly. Is there any way of using it by making a puzzle-like connection out of it, or cascading two 7805 in a smart way? Also, I can't convert the 9V DC at the output to 5V, because in my design, without the control circuit creating PWM signal, the output voltage will be 0V.
I'm working on a scientific assignment in which I can only use the most simplistic semiconductor devices, like (BJTs, MOSFETs, 78xx, etc). So, please don't offer me using a high level IC for this purpose.