I recently put together a portable RetroPie project with an LCD from an old laptop, it runs fine off an old ps2 power supply drawing around 1A.
However, I decided to try running it off 8 LiPo cells (18650) I had lying around. I put the 8 cells in parallel, and connected them to a 6A DC to DC step up converter setting it to 12v.
The red LED on the driver board lit up telling me the board was receiving power, but when I hit the power button the LED turned green, which indicates that it is turning on, then backlight flickered and the whole thing reset, the LED also went back to red, this will repeat as many times as I push the power button.
I am assuming that the culprit is the CCFL needing more current than the DC to DC converter can provide, however the specs say that the board needs at most 2.5A so I am uncertain.
If anyone knows what I can do to get this working, any help would be greatly appreciated.
DC to DC converter: http://a.co/aEGWhaY LCD Driver: http://a.co/b3kLdwH