What components are sensitive to the wavelength (energy) of impinging light?
I am wondering if there are any that have a reliable and detectable response to wavelength instead of just intensity. For example, if some hypothetical component responded to light in the range of 400-1000nm, then when exposed to say 10 photons at 400nm perhaps its voltage (or impedance) is a significant multiple of the voltage when exposed to 10 photons of 800nm?
Clarification: I know that it's possible to do spectral imaging using prisms and/or filters so that a sensor can say, "I was just hit by this many photons," and based on the filters we know what those photons' wavelengths could be. What I'm wondering is whether there is any component that can say something like, "A photon hit me this hard," where this is a relatively precise measure of the photon's energy.