I'm looking to control an automotive relay over a cat 5e cable. The run is about 1500 feet. Would there be a way to set up some capacitor resistor coupling at the end to give the relay the initial boost in amps for it to charge or could I do something complete different.
The set up is, 800 feet of run into the woods to a tank where 4 float contact switches are inside. There's also an LED light that uses one pair which isn't a problem ( it flashes when another tank, which isn't in the woods, is full). Of the 4 floats, they use a pair for the power and then individual wires for the signal line out from the float.
The relay I currently am using is a solid state coil and of course it won't energize. However, the pairs still have continuity. Although the relay is 12v, would only having 10.8 volts not make it trip?
Considering I'm using cat 5e, could it be possible to set up some form of networking switch or a raspberry pi..
Anything..as long as I can monitor the level of the tank from the Sugar Shack. Hopefully I can use the cat5e.