I am trying to design a driving board for a spectrometer, which requests 5V constant DC supply. Due to its sensitivity, I want to make sure about the voltage provided to the sensor. The supply is going to be provided from an embedded board (e.g., Beaglebone Blue). Is there any reason why I should add any regulation component(s)? Should I add a voltage regulator or a zener diode?
Thank you.
First, regarding the voltages provided, I could also have 3V3 available provided from the main board. Would it be better to provide 3V3 and add a boost converter to 5V or provide 5V and add a crowbar circuit? Which are the pros and cons of each solution?
Also, regarding the fuse at the start of the crowbar circuit (please refer to the image attached, which I have taken from the TL431 Texas Instruments datasheet), wouldn't it cause a voltage drop from the 5V provided? Is there another point of the crowbar circuit where I could place the fuse?