I have two I2C sensors that I want to combine into a single circuit. Here are the schematics for each sensor side-by-side (i.e. not combined into single circuit).
The BME280 datasheet states the sensor needs two decoupling capacitors: one across GND and VDD and another across GND and VDDIO. I know that supplying power to VDD and VDDIO via a single 3.3V line and using two capacitors works well for this chip.
My other sensor needs a single decoupling capacitor.
Both sensors run off 3.3V and require pull-up resistors for the clock and data lines.
My question is, how do I arrange the resistors and capacitors on a breakout pcb that has both sensors on it? I am assuming the breakout will only need two 4.7K pull-ups, one for SDA and another for SCL. Is this correct? How do I manage the capacitors? Do I need to combine them and use three decoupling capacitors? Thanks in advance for any feedback/help.