I have a pump for my misting system:
The pump is 12V DC - it's powered by a AC-to-DC power adapter:
Unfortunately, I'm trying to use it on my balcony, which has no AC powerpoint.
What are my options for powering this without a mains supply?
Would connecting a 12V car-battery work? Or is there perhaps something a bit more turn-key that could work?
Update: To clarify, the reason I can't run an extension cord is because there are two glass doors between the interior and the balcony, and we need to keep them shut often for various reason (air-conditioning, because of our cat, in case of rain, and also if we go away). There is a lighing socket out there - so a lighting socket to power socket adapter might be an option.
I suppose I could hire an electrician to install a new outlet out there. (I can't think of a way to punch a extension lead out there that's waterproof or wouldn't let water back into the house)