I have a project where I need to make a microcontroller trigger an old, non-controlled, camera flash (think of discharging a capacitor through a xenon lamp). First idea was use a transistor-based optocoupler, but there are high voltages involved (200 V) and it is not so easy to find optoisolators with high collector-emitter breakdown voltages where I live.
My plan is use the MOC3021, a phototriac-based optoisolator, as it seems to work well: once the voltage on flash's capacitor goes bellow a certain value, the xenon lamp cuts, current goes down the holding current and the TRIAC opens. I have some experience with transistor-based optoisolators (4N25) and TRIACs, but not with photo-triacs. I don't know how exactly the internal LED will trigger the TRIAC yet, for example.
Question: Do I must generate a pulse train to trigger a photo triac ?