Hello I'm trying to control the velocity of the propeller with the pitch angle. I have a diagram from the factor cp over J and phi (see image: Draw.io diagram), but not a analytical formula.
J = v*60/(nDpi), v: wind velocity, n: rotational speed, D: diameter of the propeller.
I get a motor torque and a rotational speed as setpoint. I should control the propeller speed by changing the pitch angle phi.
My question is, how do I calculate the controller to control the rotational speed?
My first approach was to invert the formula "Propeller Momentenstrecke". So I get the image below, but this is only valid if the Time Tphi is so small, that in this timeinterval the rotational speed changes less. There is a problem, if the rotational speed is very slow, so the output of the 3rd block become very big.
Do anybody knows, how I can control this system, which approach do I have to use? Do anybody know some papers?
edit: I'm talking about a small aircraft with one propeller in front. The maximum speed of the motor is 2500rpm mechanical, its a permanent magnet synchrone machine with 6 pole pairs.