I'm new to simulating circuits in spice (in this case, in the ngspice implementation in KiCad's nightly builds) and trying to build a simple Colpitts oscillator:
I'd simply like to "power" the thing using V1 and get a plot over time of the voltage at Vout -- seems like this should be pretty simple, but I can't seem to get it to work.
First of all, what type of analysis should I use? I had assumed an AC analysis but maybe I'm wrong. I've been using 1,000,000 points between 750Hz and 1250Hz (the given cap and inductor values should produce a frequency of 1MHz.) Trying to probe Vout, the simulator tells me "Error: vector frequency not found!"
Second, no matter the analysis I run I get a message, "Warning: singular matrix: check nodes net-_c2-pad2_ and net-_c2-pad2_". As far as I can tell C2 is connected correctly and it certainly isn't connected to itself. I suspect this is some quirk of how spice reports errors but searching the web has got me nowhere.
Can someone provide a hint?