dears: we have to Generate 1 second with atmega32A and mikrobasic software. so I have configured timer 0 and avr with this way:
const _THRESHOLD = 250
' // Timer(s)/Counter(s) Interrupt(s) initialization
and overflow function:
sub procedure Timer0Overflow_ISR iv IVT_ADDR_TIMER0_OVF
' // Reinitialize Timer 0 value
if (counter1 >= _THRESHOLD) then
counter1 = 0
so with TCCR0=0x04
WE USE 256 presqale with external clock 16MHz wich :
which means timer 0 clock is 1/62500=0.000016
which TCNT0=0x06
timer 0 over flow clock is 256-6=250
which take 0.000016*250=0.004
Second for one overflow of timer 0 with TCNT0=0x06
so for creating 1 second, it needed to count timer0 overflow for 1/0.004=250
turn of timer0 overflow. the above codes are written based of this calcuation.
SO when we program this codes into atmega32A, for 5 minutes the clock is Lag for 5 seconds.
Changes based of new comment.
I have changed TCNT0=0x07 for 249 clock of timer0 and 1 clock for overloading ti,er values. but still counter lag for 5 second at 5 minutes .
please help me to correct my codes.
Thanks a lot.