I've run into quite the problem. I have a load that requires 12v@5A for under 2.5 seconds. However, my supply is a USB 5v@500mA. This is not an immediate load. The load will only need to be activated once per 5 minutes, so I have some time for charging of possibly capacitors or a lipo.
What would be the best way to go about this? I've could not find any boost converter for that much of a power increase, so I know I'm going to have to store that charge somehow.
I've researched adding a lipo and a charger circuit, however, I cannot seem to find a 3S lipo charger that is in a package with exposed leads. In previous exchange forums the BQ24115 was recommended, however I don't have the capability to solder that small of a device currently with my time restraints. Also, I don't see how that chip monitors 3 cells, as all the applications provided in the datasheet seem to be for only a 1 or 2 cell LiPo, which I still can't figure out how the chip balances the cells as I see no hookup for "cell 1 sense" or "cell 2 sense". There has to be an input somewhere for it to read the individual cell voltages, assuming that chip can do balance charge.
Capacitors. I don't know very much about them, however I do know it is a potential route. A colleague recommended I charge capacitors individually, then use a transistor to arrange them in series for the load dump. (because I need 12v out from the caps, with an input of 5v).
Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you.