I am trying to build a simple AM transmitter, transmitting only a carrier wave and thus silencing the noise on my radio standing next to my circuit.
I built this circuit on a breadboard.
It's a simple positive square wave oscillator designed to produce a frequency between 618kHz and 1934kHz, roughly the range of my radio. When simulating, this indeed produces the square wave intended.
At the output of my oscillator I simply put a wire on my breadboard acting as an antenna.
This however doesn't influence the audio coming from the receiver in any way.
What did I do wrong?
Update: It is not per se my intention to just jam a nearby radio. I try to get this circuit or something similar to work, as an early step in establishing a solid understanding about RF-communication. I try to radiate something controlled at a variable frequency. Just a carrier wave and thus silence seems the simplest to do.