I'd like to build my own Amplifier, and because I know that the current creates the magnetic field, I don't understand, how amplifying the voltage makes it louder. I mean with high voltage doesn't automatically come high current. For example if an Amp can only deliver 100V at 1A (I don't know whether such an amp exists but ok) (the reason for that is the Load Resistance RL, right?) , then the Output Power is 100W.
Would that make the same sound on the same speaker in same Conditions, like if I put 100A with 1 V through it?
Ohh thank you guys for that many answers in that short time :_D
How could a class D amplifier amplify with ~90% Efficeny, if 4,5W is the Maximum amount, you can get out of a 12V PSU? (4,5W/0,9 = 5W -> 5W / 12V = 0,417 A) That would mean, the PSU has 0,417A of output current, and so, because the output current can be calculated, the current doesn't play a role... How could that be? Or is that the reason, why you wrote "Rough Calculations"?
In case, higher Impedance means the Voltage of the Power can be higher: If i want to build a Subwoofer with Amplifier out of a Car-subwoofer with 4Ω , is it a must, to have relatively low Voltage audio signal and relatively High current? Then, depending on Phil G's Explanation, i have to build an Amplifier with high Current Output? How to calculate the Current and Voltage I need to achieve the wanted Power of 200W through that 4Ω Subwoofer?
My plan is, to RC Low-pass filter the Pure Audio Signal, amplify it and put it out on my Subwoofer, any Ideas? Ty for Answers in advance!