I am trying to build non-inverting amplifier with certain op amp; THS3491
The datasheet is linked below.
On page 25, there is non-inverting configuration diagram.
And on page 35, there is guideline for decoupling capacitors
It says "Use larger tantalum decoupling capacitors (with a value of 6.8uF or more) that are effective at lower freqeuncies..."
I had such bad experience with tantalum capacitors, so I wanted to avoid using these.
Is it okay to replace tantalum capacitors with ceramic ones?
Searching over the StackExchange, I found several pages with similar problem;
Tantalum capacitors vs. ceramic capacitors
MLCC vs Tantalum: For Decoupling, input to regulator and ripple reduction
The answer was that it is okay to use ceramic, but not so sure because I am dealing with Op Amps. I searched more;
In above website, they recommend to use ceramic over tantalum, since ceramic capacitors have more advantages over tantalum.
But, is it okay to replace tantalum with ceramic capacitors?