simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Let's say I have a power supply that supplies 5v and 3A.
If I add a 2 ohm resistor, it could do 2 different things.
Realizing that resistance = volts/amps...
either it will drop the voltage by 1 volt and give 0.5A, as 1/0.5 = 2 ohms
OR it will drop the voltage by 4 volts and give 2A, as 4/2 = 2 ohms.
Let's just assume the power rating on the resistor is high enough that we don't have to worry about it for this example.
So which one of these two scenarios will become the reality if I have just the power source and a single 2 ohm resistor? And why? Otherwise, if you suspect there is some concept I fail to misunderstand, please explain that as well. I'm basically saying, according to ohm's law it seems both these scenarios are possible when deciding a voltage drop and current to find a resistor value. I'm trying to ask a basic question to understand resistors, not asking because of a real life application.