I have several HC-SR04 modules which I wish to modify. There are two modifications in particular I want to ask about
First, I am going to use two modules in parallel to determine location as opposed to distance. I’ve seen a project where two modules are connected in parallel and triggered together. The distances returned are then used to triangulate a position. In the article, one transmitter was disabled by attaching foam in front on one transmitter.
I was able to find the article to which I’m referring. http://forums.parallax.com/discussion/134899/triangulation-with-a-ping-array
I want to totally remove the transducer. I plan on testing whether the module without the transmitter can still detect the ping from the second module.
If not, what passive components could be used in place of the removed transducer? I’ve searched for an answer but have been unsuccessful in identifying a solution.
Secondly, I’d like to mount the second transmitter away from the module. I’d like to have the two receivers mounted about 3” apart and the transmitter to be centered between the two. This implies that the receiver will be extended by at most 1.5” from the module. Can I just wire the transducer with shirt extension wires? Should the extension be shielded? What wire gauge be used (are thinner or thicker wires better)?