I've recently written a program to predict power density around antenna for compliance with radiation limits. One of the parameters required for the program is antenna transmit power. Antenna transmit power is defined as the amount of power radiated by the antenna. The transmit power is proportional to the input or consumed power of the antenna.
Transmit Power = Efficiency * Input Power
Data sheets on antennas typically show the maximum consumed power per port but not efficiency. I realize power transmission efficiency is a combination of antenna efficiency, connector losses, and matching impedance. It would be nice to know if there is a way to estimate the antenna efficiency or transmit power based on the input power. Also I assume an antenna won't operate at its full rated power at all times. So what influences how much power an antenna consumes?
Here's some relevant information I found. That's a radiation compliance report. In their report on page 13 they stated that they ran their simulation using a transmit power of 20W. I looked up the antenna datasheet and the maximum power per port was 250 W-500 W (depending on frequency.)
How might they have come up with the 20 W for their simulation?