I have an idea for a DIY electronics project which involves a camera where I want the camera to be small.
I thought may be to get a camera component similar to the ones used in smart phones. But my Internet searches proved unfruitful. All I see is big cameras, or off-the-shelf final product filming and photographing machines. :(
I don't know what words to search for (and it is a rare phenomenon; normally I get the thing I want on the first Google results page).
Or is the component I am searching not available for general consumption?
And what about the communications interface of the device? Are there standards for phone cams to operate equally among different vendors or not? I had read a little about MIPI CSI and CSI, but I got confused!
After @Transistor comment, which made some good observations, I will make a bunch of things clear:
- Purpose of the project is to transmit capture from camera to a phone. I've thought Bluetooth would be the best way, but I am receptive to alternatives, if they seem better to someone of you all
- I want live video
- Ideal resolution would be Full HD, but HD is also acceptable. Anything over Full HD is a waste of resources and battery life. Frequency: 30Hz minimum, 60Hz ideally.
- No processing. Just live transmission.
arduino camera
... that should get you started in your search \$\endgroup\$