I'm considering to dump some $ on a desk power supply for myself. I'm looking Aim TTI EL302RT, with data sheet here: EL302RT
Few questions I have:
- Are all the 3 channels isolated, have their own ground? Even that middle one which goes upto 5V?
- The measured or displayed voltages, spec says resolution is 10mV, but the output regulation performance I'm not sure I understand it is spec'ed : it says, Line regulation "< 0.01% for of maximum output for 10% line change". So does this mean, for a 30V line (max V output), if I do a 10% change on the dial knob(s) , the output V will change by 30000 mV * 0.001 = 30 mV ..? It doesn't , it seems, say anything about the smallest change I can make - can I make only a 1% change with Fine knob ? If 30mV is 10%, I hope then if I can change by 1% that's a 3mV change..?
- And also I wanted to ask for your experienced opinion, do you think EL302RT is much better than Rigol DP-832 or other way? Spec for this Rigol here : Rigol DP-832. This Rigol seems very popular here for home-lab / semi-professional, and good reviews. But at least on line voltage regulation, if I understand it correct, might be slightly less accurate - <0.01% + 2mV - but, it's digital, so perhaps I can sure step in 1% adjustments, unlike on the knobs on the EL302RT... Also this Rigol has only 2 isolated channels I think, 2 share ground.
So I was about to commit to DP-832, but then I saw this EL302RT, and, I remembered as one of my employers had it in their lab. So now I'm not sure.
Your answers would really help me out.