I m trying to determine what is the biggest parallel capacitor between a P-CHANNEL MOSFET and a diode. The datasheet give the diode capacitance @ 1 MHz and the different capacitors into the MOSFET @ 1 MHz. The drain to source capacitance is equal to Coss-Crss. Nevertheless, I do not kow how the capacitor into the diode and the MOSFET evolve in function of the frequency. It may decrease for the diode and it may increase for the MOSFET. I would like to determine the two parallel capacitances for each components at a frequency around 50 kHz - 100 KHz. Here are the datasheets:
https://www.infineon.com/dgdl/Infineon-BSS84P-DS-v02_07-en.pdf?fileId=db3a304330f68606013118ac7a9b4549 https://www.vishay.com/docs/88959/byg22a.pdf
Thank you very much !