Multiple devices in parallel simply give you more of the same problem you already have with an H-bridge - namely that you need to allow enough dead time for one side to turn off fully before you turn on the other side. With a single device, it can manage its own dead time to some extent. With multiple devices, your controlling micro will need to handle it. Use the datasheets to find the worst-case dead time required for your device, then double it to allow for tolerances between devices, and use that time in your micro.
Then we get onto device types. BJTs are vulnerable to thermal runaway, so in general they should not be used in parallel unless the device has some kind of additional circuitry to prevent this. MOSFETs do not generally suffer from this, so they are safer to use in parallel. However MOSFETs do still have the disadvantage that since their on-resistance will not be exactly the same, one device will still have more current through it than the other. You'll need to use the max/min on-resistance specs to work out how bad the balance between devices could be.