I am currently designing a circuit which utilises a 18650 battery which passes through a TPS63000 buck-boost converter, converting the voltage to a steady 3.3V. I require the circuit to interface with an FTDI board occasionally, where the FTDI board supplies 3.3V to the circuit, allowing the board to function with the battery disconnected. I would like to know how I would design the circuit so that plugging in the FTDI's power pins would not damage any components. I have seen suggestions for Schottky diodes being placed in series with both the buck-boost converter and the FTDI's 3.3V supply, however the forward voltage drop would likely be too great for the microcontroller to be powered (STM32).
I would appreciate any help on the matter, even if it was to tell me I was missing something blatantly obvious 😅.
Thanks again!