Sorry but I am new to this topic and have no experience with SDR myself.First, I briefly give the hardware that I am using:
- HackRF One
- Following antenna:
Story/question: Yesterday I had used the software "gqrx" for the first time together with the hackrf one. The point was just to see what signals were in my area and if I could receive signals. The weird thing was there was a strong signal that went on frequancy 400 Mhz... Normally the HacRFone could go to max 6Ghz. After searching some more information on the internet, I found out that this is very bad for the health. So now I wonder what happens when people start doing such a high frequency with the HackRF One. Beside that, should I be concerned about my health or isn't that possible to receive such a high frequency that could harm my body with such a basic setup?
Thanks in advance! I searched a lot but didn't find any good information...