Our company spent couple years streamlining development and porting everything from a mess of different platforms to one unified STM32-based architecture. And now with global chip shortage it came back to haunt us.
A search for devices with similar periphery set returned just a few chips from Renesas, Cypress and NXP, and even that supply seems to be running dry. There also were some much larger chips from Microchip and others. If this situation does not improve I'll be forced to redesign for different chip soon, and I only worked with PIC, Atmel and STM before.
The question then is - what platform would be least painful to migrate to from STM32? (specifically F3, L4 and G4 series)
The core business logic should be portable, of course. So I am asking mostly about HAL-level compatibility or portability. If anyone has an experience with ARM chips from other manufacturers I would really appreciate an advice.
Just to give an example of what I am asking about: In our UART library for STM32 we are using DMA and circular buffers to avoid data loss at high bandwidth. We also using IDLE interrupt to deal with variable length packets. If either of these features is not supported by the hardware and/or framework then migration will be unnecessary complicated.