My digital calipers take a 3V 2032 (coin cell) battery, they currently contain a CR2032 (lithium manganese dioxide). It's on the very low end of remaining charge, I have no spares, and no easy way to get any today.
I also have a variable DC power supply, although I can't use it to directly supply the calipers because I need to use them far from the AC power outlet. The supply allows me to set the voltage and limit the current at the same time.
Given that I don't care about this battery, and I just need to stretch it a little longer (i.e. this is a one time thing then the battery gets disposed of -- and if it ends its life in a small ball of fire and lithium fumes, I'm OK with that), if I just hold 3-4V across it for a while, can I give it a little bit of charge back?
If so, what's a reasonable voltage to apply to it (and current limit) and what's a decent metric of when to stop? Will I need to do it in intervals to manage heat or anything?
Or have I been living a lie my entire life and LiMnO2 batteries are actually supposed to be rechargeable?