Actual setup
Today, I use a CY8CKIT-043 connected via I2C to a AK-DS2482S-100 to communicate with a DS24B33 eeprom chip.
In normal operation, only one onewire chip is connected to the DS2482S board.
All is working well. The main board is powered by usb. I communicate with it thanks to the kitprog, and I can read and program the eeprom easily.
The DS2482 is powered by 3.3 V.
The first chip I use is now no longer available, so I tried to find a new one compatible with the actual setup. But I don't have the competency to be completely autonomous on that subject.
New candidate : DS28E05.
I didn't expect to be able to read the memory on the first test. But changing the old chip to the new one, I can't even read the OW RomID, which should be less or more standard across different OW chips.
- Was I too naïve thinking I could just swap a chip by another?
- How can I compare the chips?
- Is a circuit able to read both kinds of OW chips (not at the same time) feasible?
I think -but I'm not sure- that the main difference between the two chips is the speed. The new one only supports highspeed communication "Overdrive". I'll dig in that direction.