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Questions tagged [onewire]

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Can't "Copy" scratchpad to DS18B20 EEPROM

Im trying to make use of two bytes of DS18B20 EEPROM. (Actually I use the trusted copy UMW18B20, what have 5 bytes of EEPROM by datasheet.) The issue: bytes successfully written to the scratchpad, but ...
ReasonX's user avatar
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How to program a CH32V003 MCU without using WCH link

I recently came across the CH32V003 MCU and wanted to embed it in my projects. To program, I was advised to use the WCH link but my standard port I use to program the MCUs is an USB port. So if I need ...
Nsj09's user avatar
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1-wire slew rate and active pullup control in firmware

I'm using the 1-Wire protocol to communicate with around 24 DS18B20 devices distributed on 3 stubs, each stub being 2m long, all connected to a bus 1m in length, with 100 ohm resistors on each stub ...
dwjamie's user avatar
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Using DS2482-100 to communicate with DS28E05

Actual setup Today, I use a CY8CKIT-043 connected via I2C to a AK-DS2482S-100 to communicate with a DS24B33 eeprom chip. In normal operation, only one onewire chip is connected to the DS2482S board. ...
Mathieu's user avatar
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Active pullup on one-wire network

Can anyone suggest an active pullup circuit to replace a typical pullup resistor for an arduino one wire network of ds18b20s? I have 80+ meters of network in a daisy layout of 12 sensors. I've reduced ...
The Pike's user avatar
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Controlling actuators - SPI - I2C - OneWire

I never worked with one of the above methods but for my next project I have to. I already read a bit about it but would like to have some user experience data.( I ordered them already to test it ...
Daniel Do's user avatar
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Can I isolate a onewire device using a bidirectional serial isolator?

I'm designing a board which has five onewire channels. One non-isolated, four isolated (spanning one isolation barrier rather than four separate barriers). Can I simply run the onewire bus through a ...
Joe of Loath's user avatar
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STM32L4 μs delay

I am trying to implement a onewire protocol on an STM32L432KCU, so I need quite precise timing (need delay precise as 2μs). I was wondering if there is any way to do this using the HAL drivers (...
TrieHard's user avatar
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Identify Single wire communications protocol [closed]

Hi guys I I have uploaded pictures from an oscilloscope. This is the signal that an indoor AC unit sends to the outdoor unit. It uses a single wire for communication and Seeing the PCB it looks like ...
M Yasir's user avatar
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Options for custom connecting a temperature sensor with a USB 2.0 [closed]

I'm exploring a little project that would involve creating a custom USB device by connecting a temperature sensor to a USB device. There seems to be a dearth of information online about how to do this....
Davigor's user avatar
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