I have the following circuit and it has been working for years. Please note that the circuit drawing may not match the real circuit exactly, but it is just a diagram to attempt to get my point across.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Diagram Main Point
I have a 5V input driving a 12V output circuit. When the code makes the Arduino set P8 high then the relay is activated and the 12V circuit is turned on which powers a motor.
Since it is only 12V on the output circuit I'm guessing that there is a way to replace the relay (which is rated for up to 120V) with a simply BJT (or your suggestion).
Specific Transistor
I mention a BJT, because I am curious if a 2N2222 NPN transistor could be used to replace it. The circuit is 12V but the CE max voltage of that transistor is 40V. Also mentioning because I have immediate availability on those.
- Is it even feasible that the 2N2222 could be used? If not, why not?
- What you would suggest as the optimal (solid state) replacement for the relay?