I've got a question: how should I solve this?
I've seen a thread were it was solved, but I don't know why the V+ is equal = V+ = Vout+(Vin−Vout)*R/(R+Rs)
If someone could guide me how it is calculated then I would be glad.
I've got a question: how should I solve this?
I've seen a thread were it was solved, but I don't know why the V+ is equal = V+ = Vout+(Vin−Vout)*R/(R+Rs)
If someone could guide me how it is calculated then I would be glad.
The calculation for this circuit is straightforward:
1.) For operating as a linear amplifier, we must ensure that the positive feedback factor Hr+ is smaller than the negative feedback factor Hr-, that means: Hr+ < Hr-.
2.) Then we can follow the classical procedure: Closed-loop gain Acl=Hf/Hr (assuming an infinite open-loop gain Aol).
Hf=Forward factor= R/(Rs+R) and
Hr=Feedback factor= (Hr+ + Hr- )= Rs/(Rs+R) + (-R1/(R1+R1)
Comment: The mentioned closed-loop gain formula Acl=Hf/Hr follows directly from the classical feedback expression:
Acl=Hf[Aol/(1-loop gain)]=Hf[Aol/(1+Aol*Hr)]=Hf/[1/Aol)+Hr] ......=Hf/Hr for 1/Aol=0 .
As you can see, for the loop gain I have used the expression (-AolHr), which means that the net feedback factor Hr=(Hr+ Hr-) is (and must be) negative when Hr=-R1/(R1+R1) dominates.