Basically you're doing subsampling in the controller, going from sampling at \$t = Tk\$ to \$t = mTn\$, where \$n\$ is a new sample index. I'm assuming that you're not only driving \$u\$ at time \$mTn\$, but that's the only time you're sampling \$y\$.
If you work this out, you'll see that for any period of samples \$k\$ where \$u(k)\$ is constant, \$x(k)\$ evolves as
$$ \begin{align}
x(k) &= A x(k-1) + B u(k-1) \\
&= A^2 x(k-2) + AB u(k-2) + B u(k-1) \\
&= A^3 x(k-3) + A^2 B u(k-3) + ABu(k-2) + Bu(k-1) \\
& \cdots
So for your new subsampled system, your new state space system is:
x(n) &= A^m x(n-1) + \left ( \sum_{p=0}^{m-1} A^p B \right )u(n-1) \\
y(n) &= C x(n)
So let \$ A_s = A^m\$ and \$B_s = \sum_{p=0}^{m-1} A^p B \$, and do your stability analysis on that.
Note that you can get the same result by making the following matrix:
$$K = \begin{bmatrix}
A & B \\
0 & I
then raise it to the \$m^{th}\$ power (any decent math package will do this). The result will be
$$K^m = \begin{bmatrix}
A^m & \sum_{p=0}^{m-1} A^p B \\
0 & I
Then you can extract your \$A_s\$ and \$B_s\$ matrices, and have fun.
Note that you can do a similar thing going from continuous-time to sampled time -- it's just that in this case you're finding the solution to a differential equation instead of a difference equation.
With no proof whatsoever, you're finding
A_T &= e^{AT} \\
B_T &= \left ( \int_0^T e^{AT} dt \right )B
The second line of this has difficulties when \$A\$ is singular, but you can find them both as
$$K_T = \begin{bmatrix}
e^{A T} & \sum_{p=0}^{m-1} A^p B \\
0 & I
\end{bmatrix} = e^{KT},
where \$K\$ is defined as
K = \begin{bmatrix}
A & B \\
0 & 0
I'd love to direct you to a demonstration of this -- I found it in the guts of a Matlab function. It's basically the solution to the differential equation that you get when you set u(t) to a constant value in the interval \$t_0 - T < t < t_0\$.