Below is a simple simulation to demonstrate a differential pair operation:
x is the node for V(x) and a and b are nodes for the difference voltage V(a,b).
Vx is the total signal Vd + Vcm. Vd can be the wanted sensor signal and Vcm represents the unwanted 50Hz common mode interference. And if you look at the plot and compare red and green plots we can see that the SNR and CMRR is good because Vd is amplified but Vcm is not amplified and also subtracted. This can be seen if we plot a and b separately as follows:
So that also means that in the above case we still increase SNR a lot even though we don't take the Va-Vb but only Va as output. It seems this is only because the diffential gain is much greater than the CM gain. So one may be satisfied to use only Va and couple it to a single ended ADC.
But if the differential gain were only one(unity), then taking Va would not help and in that case we would really need Va - Vb to eliminate the Vcm at the output.
My question is, can there be a passive stage which can subtract Va from Vb? For instance if we have a single channel single ended ADC(or single channel scope with single ended probe), what stage can subtract Va from Vb? (not digital subtraction as in a two channel scope or ADC)
Edit to an answer:
Tail currents and outputs: