We have 4 unknowns, so we need 4 equations.
If we make the equivalent Thévenin circuit for R1 and R2, and by applying KVL on the input and outputs we get only 2 equations.
First equation from KVL on input:
EQ1: Vth-IB×Rth-VBE-IE=0
Second equation from KVL on output:
We substitute IB=ICQ/β , IE=((β+1)/β)IC so IE approximately equals ICQ. So EQ1: Vth-(5×10-3)/(100)Rth-0.7-5×10-3=0
EQ2: 12-(5×10-3)×RC+6-(5×10-3)×RE=0
And then:
EQ1: Vth-(5×10-5)Rth-0.695=0
EQ2: 18-(5×10-3)×RC-(5×10-3)×RE=0
How can I get the solution of this problem?