I did build a single Phase voltage measurement controller and works.
The basic measurement methode is as this. The Diode 1N4007 is used to eliminate the negative half cycles. Using a voltage divider to lower the voltage to a RP2040 nice value. If I am right the impedance is ~1M ohm (mega-ohm) to avoid to execute a differential protection switch
Now I want to build a 3Phase voltage measurement controller, and its main purpose to check for the availability of all the three phases. If not; then a relais will cut off the main power of that 3Phase line ( kabel ).
The 3Phases should be checked against each other. So no N(Neutral should be involved. Otherwise I could use the schematic above.
I want to use a RP2040 in a closed box. No issues with that. The only thing is safety when measuring and power feeding the electronics.
I have not any idea or schematic that I should use to check the voltage between two Phases? Also how can I add all the fases together to get a 5vdc to power the electronics? If I add 6 more diodes then I got 400V... See lower part image.
I am almost sure ( hope I'am wrong ) that this isn't working.