The goal
I want to isolate a 3.3 V MCU (ESP32 C3) from a WS2815-Strip but I had no luck so far. I already read these threads, because I think they're dealing with a similar problem: MOSFET - 800 kHz digital signal, ESP32 - 6N137, but had no luck so far.
This is my current schematic from there(slightly different), which works fine when I'm transmitting a DMX512-signal, but can't get it working with these pixel-LEDs. ]
What I already tried
- Changed R12 to 390 Ω, 240 Ω and 133 Ω - doesn't work.
- Changed R13 to 1kΩ - doesn't work.
- Tried other LEDs (WS2815, WS2812) - doesn't work.
- Wiring LEDs directly to DMX_TX -> works, but not isolated.
my thoughts and possible solutions
- What is the problem with my schematic? Other people seem to get this to work
- Might the circuit work with a small MOSFET to invert the signal like below?
- Does the gate need a small pull-down to GND or can I leave it floating only with R15?